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MASS - Workflow mockup

Moodle Assignment Submission System will flow along the path described below.

This mockup was developed for both module design and internal commuinication of the project, hence some parts will be obvious to experienced Moodlers, and some will be irrelevant.

There's some discussion in forums.

New roles such as "Registry" will be created via relevant capabilities.

The text between images means:
> page (link on previous screen used to get to this page)

Course creator - creating assignment

>  login1


>  login2 (

>  course-list (Login)

>  course-home (course one)

>  create-assignment (edit)

Re yellow note: It was requested that "Prevent late submissions" be removed.

>  create-assignment2 (continue)


Student - applying for extension

>  course-list (student)

>  course-home (course one)

>  submit-assignment (Assignment one)

>  apply-for-extension (Request time extension)

Message about extension length will be in a lang file, at least initially.

>  extension-list (Submit extension request)

>  extension-details (Pending)


Course director - approving extension

>  extension-list-course-director (Extension approval)

This project will only be looking at assignment extensions, but should pave the way for extensions in other activities.

>  extension-approval (Pending)

In our workflow, registry has the official responsibility for approving extensions, so only they can select "Notify student", which would apply the extension, and send the student an email.

>  extension-list-course-director-approved (Save changes)


Registry - confirm extension approval

>  extension-approval (Approved)

>  extension-list-course-director-approved2 (Registry approve)

>  activity-report (activity-report)



Student - submits assignment

>  submit-extended-assignment (student submission)

>  submit-extended-assignment-declare (Upload this file)

Add a student declaration reminding the student about not plagiarising, etc., which they are required to confirm.

>  final-submission (Send for marking)

>  assignment-submitted (Yes)


Marker - marking assignment

>  assignment-marking-list (Marking)

>  assignment-marking-submissions (View 1 sumbitted assignment)

>  assignment-marking-grade (Grade)